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6th Grade Parent Social

6th Grade Parent Social


Sunday, September 22, 6 - 7:30 PM
Arthur Macs Tap and Snack

Join us for a 6th grade Parent Social on Sunday, September 22nd, from 6 - 7:30 PM. Connect with old friends and meet new friends as we celebrate the start of middle school!

We'll meet at Arthur Macs, owned by PMS 6th grade family the DiGiorgios, for pizza and a parent night out (read: leave those pre-teens at home!).  

Please RSVP by Friday, September 17th, so we have an accurate headcount for food.  Your ticket ($10/person) includes pizza and one non-alcoholic beverage (housemade lemonade or soda), alcoholic beverages can be purchased on site. 

To RSVP, choose one of the options above and click "Add to Cart". Then, follow normal checkout instructions.

Arthur Macs Tap and Snack: 4006 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Oakland, CA 94609.  Please do not leave belongings in your car if you park nearby. 

Event is outside, so please dress accordingly.

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